About me

Welcome! I’m a PhD student (2023-) at UC San Diego, working with Prof. Julian McAuley. My research focuses on the intersection of NLP and personalization. I’m also broadly interested in language technology for user-facing systems.

I did my undergraduate study at UC Irvine, where I worked on robustness and interpretability in NLP with Prof. Sameer Singh.

Selected publication (full)

Few-shot Dialogue Strategy Learning For Motivational Interviewing via Inductive Reasoning
Zhouhang Xie, Bodhisattwa Prasad Majumder, Mengjie Zhao, Yoshinori Maeda, Keiichi Yamada, Hiromi Wakaki, Julian McAuley
ACL Findings 2024 <github>

Large Language Models as Zero-shot Conversational Recommenders
Zhankui He*, Zhouhang Xie*, Rahul Jha, Harald Steck, Dawen Liang, Yesu Feng, Bodhisattwa Majumder, Nathan Kallus, Julian McAuley
CIKM 2023 <github><dataset>

Factual and Informative Review Generation for Explainable Recommendation
Zhouhang Xie, Sameer Singh, Julian McAuley, and Bodhisattwa Prasad Majumder
AAAI 2023 <github>

What Models Know About Their Attackers: Deriving Attacker Information From Latent Representations
Zhouhang Xie, Jonathan Brophy, Adam Noack, Wencong You, Kalyani Asthana, Carter Perkins, Sabrina Reis, Zayd Hammoudeh, Daniel Lowd, and Sameer Singh
BlackBoxNLP@EMNLP 2021 <dataset><github><react project>


RecWizard: A Toolkit for Conversational Recommendation with Modular, Portable Models and Interactive User Interface
Zeyuan Zhang*, Tanmay Laud*, Zihang He*, Xiaojie Chen, Xinshuang Liu, Zhouhang Xie, Julian McAuley, Zhankui He
AAAI 2024 (Demo Track) <github>